Klímaváltozás, Globális felmelegedés

Article Index



Cool Farming:Climate impacts of agriculture and mitigation potential (2008)

 - Greenpeace

Climate benefits of changing diet (Free Preview - 2009)

- Elke Stehfest , Lex Bouwman, Detlef P. van Vuuren, Michel G. J. den Elzen, Bas Eickhout and Pavel Kabat

Food-Miles and the Relative Climate Impacts of Food Choices in the United States (2008)

- Carnegie Mellon University

Putting Meat on The Table: Industrial Farm Animal Production in America (2008)

- Executive Summary , Pew Commission on Industrial Farm Animal Production

American Meat: A Threat to Your Health and to the Environment (2004)

- Polly Walker,M.D.,M.P.H.&Robert S. Lawrence,M.D.

Happier Meals: Rethinking the Global Meat Industry. (2005)

- Worldwatch Paper 171

Meat's Carbon Hoofprint (2007)

- Prof Barry Brook and Geoff Russell

The Economic Impact of Global Warming on Livestock Husbandry in Kenya (2008)

- Jane Kabubo-Marian,PhD School of Economics,University of Nairobi

Livestock's Long Shadow (2007)

- United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

The livestock industry and climate (2007)

- Jens Holm & Toivo Jokkala

Cooking up a storm: Food, greenhouse gas emissions and our changing climate (2008)

- Food Climate Research Network

Saving Water: From Field to Fork - Curbing losses and wastage in the food chain (2008)

- Stockholm International Water Institute, International Water Management Institute, Chalmers, and Stockholm Environment Institute.

Can Britain Feed Itself? -Simon Fairlie( 2007)

- The Land

The Cattle Realm: A new phase in the livestock colonization of Brazilian Amazonia (2008)

- Amlgos da Terra

Global benefits of eating less meat (2004)

- Compassion in World Farming

Diet, Energy and Global Warming (2006)

- University of Chicago

Global warning: climate change and farm animal welfare - summary (2008)

- Compassion in World Farming

Meat and dairy production & consumption (2007)

- Food Climate Research Network

Animal feed, livestock and greenhouse gas emissions: What are the issues? (2007)

- The Food Climate Research Network


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